ICDF22 - International Congress on Disinformation and Fact-Checking Empowering students, media and educational professionals

Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
Date limite de soumission

Call for papers

Language: English

ICDF22 - International Congress on Disinformation and Fact-Checking

Empowering students, media and educational professionals


Submission deadline: March 27th

Disinformation spread over digital networks is a threat to our democracies, societies, economies and individuals. Covid-19 led the World Health Organization to coin a new word - "Infodemic" – in order to designate the overload of information, including false and misleading one, in digital and physical environments. It is urgent to look at the complexities of disinformation and its implications, and to address strategies as to deal with information disorder. In the frame of a European Cooperation Erasmus + project on Disinformation and Fact-Checking, we are excited to invite scholars to submit their proposals to a conference which will be held in person at NOVA University of Lisbon, on June 23-24, 2022. If you work on issues related to disinformation and fact-checking, we welcome your submission.

We are open to proposals that address one or more of the many wide-ranging questions relevant to this topic:

  1. Identifying and analysing new forms and strategies of information disorder in the fields of education, journalism, law and public policies, politics, natural sciences and other fields;
  2. Impact of information disorder in audiences and their mobilization;
  3. Identifying and analysing new forms and strategies of information disorder in the fields of education, journalism, law and public policies, politics, natural sciences and other fields;
  4. Identifying, through case studies, examples of strategies and good practices regarding fact checking in the fields of education, journalism, law and public policies, social sciences, health and natural sciences, technologies and digital media (applied research);
  5. AI applications and related innovations in fighting information disorder (applied research);
  6. Identifying and analysing contributions of digital media literacy or counter-narratives to combat disinformation.

Abstracts should have between 250 and 500 words. An author can only submit one proposal as first author and one as second author.

As this is a conference organized under the scope of a funded project, there is no fee to participate in it. However, participants must support all travel and accommodation expenses.

To submit your abstract, access here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdfc22

To know more about the project: https://factcheckingeu.com/
